Leicestershire Juniors had the following results at the Rugby Junior Open on Sunday 1st July:
In the top U11A section (for players graded > 75) Jason Lv won a bronze medal scoring 3/5.
In the U11B section (ECF 50-75), Kajus Mikalajunas had an outstanding performance winning the section and all 5 games. Lindsay Pyun (2.5) and Joshua Tang (1) also played in the section with Lindsay winning a bronze medal.
In the U11C (ECF 25-50) section, newcomer Kori Lee won a silver medal with 4/5 and Sophie Mehta a bronze medal with 3/5.
In the U11D (< ECF 25) section Lailim Ryskali won a silver medal with 3.5/5 and Avnish Patel a bronze with 2.5/5.